Daddy, Raekwon is trying to see things only in black or white.

Raekwon, the Development Academy emphasizes development over winning or losing - I never said it was one or the other. But, I did suggest that you go check out the development website for yourself. You can continue to misquote and take out of context things I (and Big Daddy) say about the Academy, or you can stop wasting your time arguing about it and educate yourself.

Here is the link:

But seriously, as difficult a time as you are having understanding what it is the Academy (NOT just SC United & North Meck) is trying to do, what will you do if cesa becomes a member?

How do you feel about the possibility of them already having applied?

As much as you seem to disagree with the philosophy (that you haven't actually taken the time to know what it is), why don't you call Tormey or Hyslop and tell them you want nothing to do with it?