Mama/Team Mama/Assistant Coach/MPSC Club Representative.Come on now.Surely you should have taken ample time to check your facts before launching into this pointless tirade.Why don't you take a quick look back at your own program and see who has played for them at state cup over the years or does it only seem to be an issue when a certain club has a little success.Perhaps you should get on the MPSC board and make sure that never occurs again and maybe your team coach or DOC would like to hear your thoughts on this vital matter.It would seem that by adding players to your roster for CASL and a run at state cup MPSC as a club has shown their hand.Is it ethical? Everyone has an opinion.Discoveries 18 Boys just won the National Championship.Great team and fun to watch,but didn't Sebastian Velasquez reappear after missing regionals and claim the Golden Boot at Nationals.I don't think we want them to hand the trophy back even though he must have taken playing time away from someone.
Bottom line is that if a good player wants to join a team and is in college,working or relocates to the area the coach and club must decide if it makes sense for them to roster that player.
I have a sneaking suspicion that we would not be having this discussion if MPSC 18G had won last Saturday and Sunday.