Belligerent: I guess I have not been black and white enough for you.So here goes. I have no problem with Academy- it certainly looks like a good product. What I don't have time for is you and your lackeys trying to make your club something it is not. There are great tams such as Lonestar and the Texans but there are teams like AFC and AFU that were never able to get in to R3PLE before the academy that are mediocre. You yourself mention development but knowingly don't say anything about it being result driven- your defense then is to tell me to read slower- it is what it is.

Here is another thing that you or CHT can enlighten me on. This season there is an uproar because CESA uses a player that is well within the rules, but what was your rhetoric when brisson knowingly broke a rule by having a player lie about his identity.It was a completly different tune.

Since you're all about the academy rules, is he allowed to coach in the academy with his years ban.

Finally, if CESA goes academy the people that should be concerned are not me, but Tripp, Rob, etc., because when it was- and I know you like to use this analogy- apples to apples CESA dominated the state. I would think you would want to keep it apples to oranges .