
come on, you have top programs playing vs some urban programs where kids are wearing bk shorts to their practices, are you serious?

And on the international scene, we have players who grew up wearing cutoff jeans practicing soccer in the streets who are kicking our elitist-attitude, club-dependent butts.

Not sure whether to file that one under "irony" or "what was your point again?"

Agreed, there is a great imbalance among competing teams when it comes to experience and talent level, and I often find myself wishing it was a bit more even, but what you call a "joke," I see a lot of young people putting a lot of effort and heart into...and what they pour out onto the field has very little to do with what kind of practice shorts they show up in.

High school soccer and club soccer are very different, and club does involve a consistently higher level of competition, but I think both programs help to develop different aspects of the total player.

I've got good news and bad news...