
Here's an idea, have the marching band play at half-time of soccer games and have cheerleaders too. God knows that the band/cheerleader parents could care less about the game. They come to see their kids. Add 100 - 125 band and 10 - 20 cheerleaders and muliply by 2 (2 parents). That would be between 200 - 250 more people at every soccer game. Multiply that by the amount of home soccer games in a year. soccer would make alot of money seeing as how the coaches as how the coaches don't make $100,000/year. Can't do that though, it would hurt football. Also, why not make lacrosse a fall sport?? There is only football.

I know of a coach that asked for the cheerleaders to come and cheer at a soccer match. The response from the cheerleading coach: "Our season is long enough"