
Yep, I miss the Saturday morning intellectual stimulation of waking up, going through all the mud-slinging, and trying to form a rational argument out of it (or just getting muddy).

What's in a name...is it just me, or did MY seem a lot more likely to swap paint after he took on the Dale Jr. persona?

He hid behind it, and it made him braver. Did you know that his little girl had a newborn outfit donated by NASCAR in the National Guard Dale Jr. green and white. They were going to name her "Dalene" but Mom put an end to it. They make the poor kid toddle around her high chair three laps before they feed her. And she has to finish behind Cody. If she wins, she doesn't get to eat. The REAL Dale Jr. experience.

Should have named her Jimmileene Johnson Young.

Retired, Old, Happy, and off into the sunset