Delta Dog: Did you compare your list with Tri Navy, too? Did you, also, include Columbia United and Carolina FC in your comparison? Let's look at the U18 age group, which, is most likely going to be considered for GPOY. I am just making sure that York County is not being overlooked. It is more difficult to earn a Region III spot in NC because, first, you have "win" your way to play in the top bracket. Second, there is group play that you must "win" your way out of to make it to the final four.
To trump all of this, there are built in rules so that a "fluke" (I do not mean any disrespect here) doesn't happen. (As it may in SC by making it to the finals of state cup play.)When you are at regionals you will see a difference in the level of play between the NC teams (and their results) and the SC teams. It is important not to just make it to regionals, but, to play well there, too.