You are right on the money. I was trying to be polite earlier when I said look at the records without listing the teams and records. The facts are that even with the recruiting, CESA is has one team at the R3P/ ECNL level, and that takes into account players from other parts of the state making the drive to Spartanburg. CASL and CSA have B and C teams that can beat the A teams on any given day. CSA had their U16 A team playing their U16 C team in the state semi final last fall and I believe it was a 1 goal Game. The U16 A girls won the State Championship.

FYI: In ECNL, each of the clubs attend three events and the finals in Seattle, for a total of 12 games. Every team will play 12 games, no more or no less. That is the basis for the standings at posted and it is based on points.

The top four teams in the A/upper bracket play for the ECNL National Championship. U 18 teams do not play in the ECNL. ECNL has a upper and a lower division. CESA has attended one event and CSA has attended two. The level of play is exceptional. CESA is in the "B" division, and CSA and CASL are in the "A" division.