Does anyone remember my "language" comment on an earlier post? This weekend, we had a kid from a AAAA school elbow our goalie twice in the face while they were awaiting a corner kick, and after that SPIT in our defender's face and GUESS WHAT - the ref standing five feet away walked in and warned OUR GOALIE! The ref 50 yards away sprinted in and yellow carded the G kid (thank you), and tournament director Jonathan apologized after the tournament and said that he saw the whole thing and that it was awful.

We have three torn jerseys from kids grabbing our kids and slinging them down. One of the dirtiest teams we have ever played.

Could have fixed the whole thing if we had hit the last two PK's after going up 1-0 in PK's.

That's girls' soccer if the refs let it get out of hand, and we all know that happens. But you know, when a kid spits in a kids face, she should be banned from high school soccer forever.

Retired, Old, Happy, and off into the sunset