
My point was that if you can't even get the coaches/ADs to request 3 referees, how could one expect to get them to "approach the Referees Association and request to have the laws of the game regarding such conduct that are already in place enforced uniformly around the state."

Coach P, I understand your point. However, asking for a third ref not only increases the demands on the coach/AD's budget it also increases the demands on the existing pool of referees available for any given game.

Requesting enforcement of existing rules... is free.

That's a pricetag even AD's can really get behind. Have a meeting of the Coaches Association, introduce the idea and see what happens. If an AD sticks his/her head in the door and asks "What are you all working on?", just reply "No worries... its free". If the idea gets shot down, then we know SCHS coaches generally accept current trends/behavior relative to spittin' and cussin'.

Maybe at that point, if there are still concerned parents they could approach the Referees Association without the coaches and make the request.

And, if that doesn't work... end of these threads, due to lack of genuine interest to affect positive change.