I was only making a tongue in cheek comment about the competition being less without RHS, but since you feel so strongly about it let’s see.

RHS since 2008 5 losses to 4A, 1 Tie, 3 wins (1 unranked, others 11th and 13th to finish season) I guess you can call this beating top 4A teams sometimes?? Compete against Eastside or Greenville?/ I guess if they are tougher than the 4A team from "your" area then they may struggle but it seems like our girls have held their own against better team than RHS usually beats so I guess they should be ok. When the best win against a 4A team I can find for them over last several years is against a team that finishes 11th ranked I am not sure you should be crowing about how ready you are for the move up. I think our AD/ coach has done a good job planning tough out of league games (check the schedule) I think they go just a little bigger than RHS (not insulting RHS I mean the schedule for FM is tougher than RHS not that RHS is not tough, there hopefully will not start fire with that comment too!) when looking for a challenge. But I would suggest your AD line you up with a few tougher games, your schedule looks a little thin, to get ready for your jump next year.

As for no one from this area winning a girl’s championship I guess not, but I think if we can get them to let us play down in the AA/A bracket we could have a shot! (After all we are only the size of 3A so it would be same as RHS last year, but then again after seeing the Waca-mole and BE scores last weekend maybe we will just stick to 3A next year! )

See now I gone a spun all that out cause I could not keep from cracking a little joke! Look I could care less about RHS, since we have not played them why would they be a rival. I simply see numbers and what I perceive as the facts (we likely all see them different!). They won a state championship it was not given to them for that I applaud them. Sad thing is that they won it while playing at what I think the facts clearly indicate is a level below where they should have been but that’s life. You decide if you think it was where they should have been place then feel happy with it, I could care less.

Good luck with rest of this year and enjoy the move up next year.