OK, so you use your second post on your 2 week old, I guess your new here, account to jump into this?

Well it was a joke, look at the preceding post it was about a really good team playing below where the poster thought they should be. My joke was about me running my “mouth” about it last year; I was more poking fun at me than RHS note the “did I say that out loud” part!

Of course the size of the school does not determine the skills of the players. What it does do is determine how many skilled players you are likely to have. So bigger schools, more players, see the math there?

I have never taken away from the fact that they won, it seems that every time it comes up I get accused of belittling them but I have never tried to take away from the fact that they won. It seems more likely to me that those who are so sensitive about it feel it is unfair that I am pointing out simple facts. I wonder why?

Look RHS was 4A size and chose to play at 3A, period! Do not feel slighted when it is pointed out that you beat a bunch of 3A schools who were 3A and played where they belong, if it bothers you then explain why you staying down was the “right thing to do”, else just accept the fact that it looks like you won a state championship because you played down a level. Like it or not that is what it looks like! Do not think that winning a second this year will gain any more recognition as your are the 36th largest school playing what should be the 48th to 96th schools in the state (actually I think South Aiken is 47th). No amount of complaining on your part can change that appearance, just like no amount of me pointing it out will change the fact that you are still the champs!

You won, enjoy it, and ignore the bantering of those like me who sometime feel that facts should be pointed out.

I would love to see them play as I have no doubt they are a very good team and I enjoy watching good soccer. Look I have no animosity toward the girls I am only pointing out what I see as facts. Do not fool yourself in to thinking that I am the only one who sees it. I am just the only one willing to comment on it. It is neither personal nor significant to me.

I will simply defend myself against unfair accusation of bias or dislike of what are very likely nice girls who try very hard to be the best players they can.