whew- I usually sit back and learn from you guys here but I could not help but go back and reread the title to this thread. It says "set the tone"- somehow I was hoping to get some insight as to what you do to prep your teams for the mental state of mind and the focus needed to elevate the team to perform better than the collective singular. Seems as if somehow the thread shifted from ideals of work ethics, honor, character, good sportsmanship and love of competition to a discussion that by its very nature, cannot be defined for everyone.
My grandfather used to say (usually before one of us got into trouble- but it applys in lots of situations) "Son- down that path lies pain"- Both he and my father were ministers and I hold a deep sense of personal belief-key word being "personal"- every one has to come to their own terms and follow as best they are able, their personal savior's teachings.
I am not trying to step on anyone's beliefs or otherwise, but I would like to know some of the "rituals" you use to inspire your team to be on task mentally. What methods do you use to instill a consistant mental bearing before taking to the pitch.

Now, pass the popcorn...