No way, with a name like "ZEN MASTER" you've got to stick around.


NO, not at all... political correctness is just blowing it all out of prop. I was stretching it to make point. Those who try to block it are doing so for what reason? So their child will not be offended, or converted by a Baptist, saying a prayer, or any variation on that.?!?.?!?!?

Please just take it as a weird point... those who want pure seperation of church and state, handle and use money every day... with "in god we trust" written on it, get the point?

We as a country were partly founded on the belief, it is okay for different people to believe different things. Why has it changed so much? Will a 5 second prayer change any devote persons belief system? I doubt it. I have never heard a back handed comment over the PA system at any game any where, any time. Only once in a Baptist Church, and it just came out wrong... a lot like most of my posts.

Those who try to block it are doing so for what reason? So their child will not be offended, or converted by a Baptist, saying a prayer, or any variation on that.?!?.?!?!?

Well, yes. But, I don't think this is the issue here. I think the issue here is the state (U.S. Goverment) believes it cannot have an actual or perceived sponsorship or endorsement role in the event of a pregame prayer. To be involved would be considered by the state to be unconstitutional. And, because the state's position is based on the Constitution, specifically the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment, it doesn't believe it's trying to block it. It believes it's involvement is already blocked. Because the coach acting in his role as coach is considered an agent of the state, it believes his/her involvement is also already blocked.

We as a country were partly founded on the belief, it is okay for different people to believe different things. Why has it changed so much?

I don't think it has. I've yet to see a court decision that restricted an individual's freedom to believe. The reason I referenced the Cheerleaders v. UGA case was to point out that while the state would not support the coach's actions in the role of coach (agent of the state) toward the 2 cheerleaders, it did continue to support the coach's right to hold Bible classes even on UGA property.

Will a 5 second prayer change any devote persons belief system?

What about the lack of one?

Actually, some of the posts here would indicate some believe a 5 second prayer should be conducted, because it can affect change in an individual's belief system. Again, a process in which the state believes it has no right to become involved.