(Bear, where did your post that brought a national perspective to this discussion go? I believe your post, however briefly posted, included all the points of the debate, thus far, including one key questions of the tests of constitutionallity.)

Bringing the national anthem and flag into the discussion may offer some perspective on the rest of the debate. We ARE supposed to stand at attention facing the national flag during the national anthem, and somewhere along the line we also learn to fight to defend the country and constitution that that flag represents. Now, at none of the public school stadiums will you find the flags of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc. flying next to the Stars and Stripes. However, I have yet to read a post of anyone here feeling offended or violated of rights due to the absence.


I too have that memory...

CHT & ZEN, I apologize for the subtlety of the point I was trying to make. I was the player standing alone on the field feeling egg on my face, because my version of the Lord's Prayer does not include the doxology found at the end of my teammates' version. I may be wrong, but I don't think that was a memory we shared.

(Coach Chass, I finally found how your post vanished into ether. )