I suppose that I saw the collision different. Although most were watching the ball trickle and miss the goal, I did see two players running at one another to get the same ball. One of them was bound to reach the ball first. I couldn't see where momentum of both guys could not have taken them into one another. Did he slide to go for the ball that came close enough to the ground for NW guy to put a foot on it? Would love to see the slow motion video.

The refs. WERE tough enough to "yellow card" one FM kid for walking around the field mumbling. The ref. didn't even hear what he said, because he asked him. I was sitting close enough to the field to hear the ref. ask.

I hope the FM guys gain some confidence from the loss and that it inpires both the O and D. I really hope that SC refs. "begin" to fairly give cards and watch for over-acting with NW forwards that seem to oftenly lose their footing. I like and care about a number of the NW players and are proud of what they have accomplished over the years from the region. Never want any of these guys hurt. Have seen way too much of that.