
Big Daddy,
I believe that CESA has applied twice, including this year, and has not been admitted. As you can see from the link in the first post, US Soccer admitted 1% of this year's applicants. There is a lot more to getting an Academy spot than winning state cups. I'm sure that many of the other clubs that were unsuccesful applicants are big dogs in their states too.
Whatever the reason is that CESA hasn't gotten in, the fact is that South Carolina has one Development Academy club and that's where the top players need to be playing.

I really have a hard time believing this.

I don't have a hard time with USSF looking at VA, the Carolinas, GA, AL, and FL....and saying we have enough Academies in this region.

The next question is....have they been distributed properly? Regardless of population, Atlanta hasn't shown it can handle 3 Academies. CESA has shown it can build and develop and recruit....the question to me isn't about South Carolina so much as its about the GSP area and whether the CESA infrastructure can support it. I think it can and that CESA would be a far better Academy selection than the #3 Academy in Atlanta.

Consider it promotion-relegation.