
Sorry, sweet, but if I am understanding you correctly, I have to disagree with your logic (yeah, I know, shocking!). While the stats may prove that athletes, in general, have a better chance of graduating than non-athletes, the data you gave does not show why those athletes chose the school they did – whether it was because of 1) the athletic program itself, or 2) because of the academic program that the particular school had.

All the data shows, that I can tell, is that if you play a varsity sport in college, you have a much better chance of graduating than if you do not.

My point is simple, everyone on the forum talks about making sure you find a school that u like and has your major...follow me now, problem is the stats say your child will change majors at least once if not 2-3 times, so my logic is this, find a soccer program first cause only 10% of athlete's transfer schools but those same student athlete's change there majors several times.