Uncle Buck you have missed my point. Wealth has nothing to do with it. Exposure has everything to do with it. How many rural, inner city kids do you think got a soccer ball under their Christmas tree when they were growing up? If they've never seen soccer, don't understand it and their parents don't like it, those kids are never going to play. It isn't about money. Football, basketball & baseball are ingrained in American culture. So far, no amount of money is changing that. Money doesn't matter in European, South American or third world countries. EVERYBODY (except GIRLS) plays soccer! EVERYBODY watches soccer. Kids of all income levels play starting at a young age.

Kudos to the kids stepping out and playing soccer in rural and inner city areas where the BIG THREE are KING. Maybe their parents will start to like it and the best athletes will start to play when they're young. I'm not talking about training I'm talking about playing and enjoying the game. When that happens across the country change is acoming....