I like winning as much as the next coach, but have we stopped to consider the spirit of the game? What are you teaching kids by running the score up? Who benefits from a 20-0 game?

Do girls walk off the field truly believing that they are the far superior team from 20-0 more so than 5-0?

Maybe the real beneficiaries are the girls who step on the field after being defeated 0-20.

In my opinion, it takes a ton of courage to lace up your boots and step on the pitch after a loss like that. I admire kids who are willing to play a sport where they go into every game knowing that they may never win a game, but they try nonetheless. Reminds me of kids in Mexico who play without shoes on, with tin cans for goals, just for the love of the game.

Also, when you consider how they divide up regions, soccer isn't the only sport high schools play - a team could be stronger in basketball, and weaker in other sports.