So I'll give you my take on this match. I am not trying to create discussion, banter, or take anything away from BC. First off, congrats on your share of the region title and outright championship pending tonight's SA/Dreher match.

Lastnight, BC just had a lot of things go their way. The weather was more suited to their style play and was obviously going to be tough for us to spread the ball around playing in steady rain on a slick pitch. The season ending injury to our starting centerback in about the 8th minute was obviously game changing for us. I can tell you with 100% certainty Griff did not say anything to the ref, it was for the attempted tackle from behind. Agree with me or not but I did not believe that to be a red card offense for many reasons. 1.) BC had a tackle from behind 2 minutes previous and received a yellow. 2.) The time in which the card was given and 3.) the magnitude of this match. But obviously playing 65 minutes or so a man down puts your team in a bind. I thought we did the best we could considering the circumstances.

BC's 2nd goal was offsides but our defenders can't just sit back with their hand up waiting for a call. BC's 3rd goal was a goalkeeper error that only happens 1 out of 100 times. BC's 4th was a rocket free kick, it was a great goal.

As for the coach getting a red card. It was right in front of me and we had not received any sideline warnings or yellow cards previously. Nothing out of the ordinary was said, the card was very undeserved.

Now, Finkel-If I feel that a fight is about to break out then I have no problem getting a card for stepping on the field to protect my players as well as the opposing teams players. I would much rather get a card and pay the fine then the boys get cards and be forced to miss playoff matches. I am not going to sit and watch a brawl start, so if that is a cardable offense, so be it.

Bottom line-it was BC's night. Coach Heise did an excellent job preparing his team and I won't take anything away from BC but the officiating was not very good for a game of this magnitude. good luck BC and Coach Heise in the playoffs, we hope to meet again for sure. Just my take, take it for what it's worth.