


Southside coach, tells the referee with 7 minutes left on the first half, he had enough and pulls his team off the field and told his players that the game was over. !!! OK.

8 Goals in 33 Minutes -- How many more goals was WHS planning on scoring?

Don't agree with what the Southside coach did either but there were two teams, and two coaches involved in this game.....

I do not have a kid on the team... but...

I know what that coach does to hold the score down. He plays with less than his normal number of players. He puts rules on them you have to do this you have to do that, then you can score. The one I heard from his girls the other week was you have to make thirty passes then you can shoot.

Like I said, I am not in WHS system, but the coach really holds back after a point. I guess the other guy could not handle the heat up front. What is a coach to do, make the girls run from Woodruff, then play?