
Southside has an IB diploma curriculum and AP classes and Woodruff has AP classes. There are IB exams (2 day exams) and some AP exams this week. Could it be the Southside coach and the Woodruff coach had players that could use their time better studying for exams this week than playing a frustrating lopsided game that benefitted noone? I commend the coaches for looking out for the best interest of the total player. Everyone's time is at a premium in this final month with exams, end of the year events, tryouts etc. I doubt any of the kids on the field were disappointed on either team. Any Woodruff or Southside players feel otherwise?

Southside took the time to drive to Woodruff and back. They could have at least played another 7 minutes so it would be an official match. I had the same question as ghs26: Since they didn't complete at least a half, does it go down as a forfeit?