

Hats off to Coach Bennage who did a good job with scheduling to position AM and a great job with preparing his team for playoffs. He better make sure they have their running shoes on when they go to Waccamaw on Monday. Good luck.... It would be a great way to end his coaching career.

peel me a sour grape marta
big congrats to am

Postscript: I just want to clarify that when I said "good luck" to Coach Bennage I meant I hope they win and he ends his career with the best win possible (i.e. state championship). I certainly did not mean I hope his career ends against Waccamaw. I guess I should have said " A win would be a great way to end his coaching career." When I reread this I guess some could have taken it differently. My husband has worked with Coach Bennage and has the utmost respect for him. I have met him briefly and he seemed like a very nice gentleman and is obviously a good coach. Like I said, no sour grapes.

Last edited by Marta; 05/16/10 03:13 PM.