
There was a boys' coach that was on the committee that did not know he was on the committee until someone told him it was on the message board; so they are not notified through email or phone calls..he was not present

Also, our region was not represented in the meeting so no one could fight for our players who were nominated...and 1 of them is a committed junior..

it just seems it is always the same teams and same coaches;

yes, ALL these kids deserve the recognition; but it seems nothing changes in who is representing the committees...these kids could be on it with other coaches represented too

why can't there be a 1st team, 2nd team, and 3rd team-other states do that...we all know there are more than 18 players that are that good in the state...some play in crappy regions, some play on crappy teams, and never get recognized for who they are as a player b.c they don't play on certain teams or in certain regions

I've served on this committee before but not for several years. Back then it was mandated that you had to fill out a true starting 11 and then choose seven other players. That does not seem to be the case now. We asked then why we couldn't have more than one All-State Team, but that was what the SCACA parent organization dictated, so we went with honoring the best 18 we could identify.

I counted more than 50 coaches present at the meeting in the All-State thread. I understand you have to be a member of SCACA and the SCHSSCA to be considered for the All-State Committee. If a coach is not a member of those organizations then it's pretty obvious that the coach doesn't consider that his/her profession and is just there to pick up a check like club coaches do. From being around the game a long time there are a lot of I's to dot and T's to cross when it comes to high school athletics. You can't just roll the ball out there, scrimmage for an hour and a half while talking on your cell phone, and then calling it a day. This is a full time commitment and quite honestly some just aren't cut out to do so.

The SCHSSCA has made it quite obvious that this message board and the scsoccer.com web site are its main methods of information for their organization. For a coach, parent, or player to not be familiar with these outlets is just poor and outside of physically spoon-feeding needy adults I don't know what more could be done to make it as easy as possible for the coaches.

But just like ODP, Select, etc., players not chosen will find a reason to complain instead of looking in the mirror and realizing that they've just got to be better. If their coach was on the All-State Committee and not present at the meeting then that is where the questions should be asked. If a coach did not nominate his/her players then ask that coach directly because no one else would know why a player(s) were not nominated.