Don't include me in your personal problem with this other family, and I will comment where I like. Facts are facts, they don't have an opinion. Just because you don't like the facts doesn't change them. The facts are that in High school the level of play varies greatly through no fault of the kids or the coaches. This leads to inferior players playing in a dangerous way to compete with better players and better teams and exposes all players to greater risk. If you want to blame someone then blame us parents as they are the ones who chose to live in an area that is not supported by the better clubs. I know every time I got reassigned or transferred, finding quality Soccer for my daughter was at the top of the list. Yes, fella, like it or not you are to blame.
I have never touted CESA's horn as I don't have the first hand experience to do so. I can only speak about the club my daughter plays for. I do know plenty of players in our community that travel to play at CESA and they have a good experience, and speak highly of the club.
In HS, the level of play difference is very evident at tournaments like the "Viking Cup". You have all the elements for injury: highly charged environment, great differences in player and team skills, very poor fields, and very poor officiating. To make matter worse if you are successful, you play 5-6 games in 48 hours. This is too much, and the diminished level of pace and play on Sunday shows this every year.

On a friendly note Since you are a transplant, where are you transplanted from? We moved here a few years ago ourselves. Remember this is only for fun.