I'm back. Okay. I said a turnover is good because I know the girls on the premier team and talk with them a lot during high school season and knew the ones whose heart didn't seem to be in it. I felt that would translate onto the field.So I'm glad they are doing something they feel is right for them. Nothing worse then parents pushing them out there. The girls who are leaving have played since they were 6. A break works wonders. I did consider moving leagues because at the time i did not feel that CESA was going to field a competative team at the challenge level since people were dropping; but when I found out that they were going to have one team I was comfortable. I don't know where she would have played if everyone would have stayed. Don't care. She would be playing. The girls who left for the other league are going to have a strong team and hope we get to see them but I'm am not the guy who is going to have my daughter drive 45 min to practice. Other kids can do it but not when there is a league in my back yard; its not necessary. When CESA started to expand I knew it would bring hard feelings and losing a spot to someone out of town is not fun. As far as money. Yep. Too much. But this is her last push and it may help her get into a college she likes. I'm not looking for soccer money, there is none. But it could be a benefit when the schools are deciding.