This is a doozey and getting better.

I'm a logical guy so lets see if we can boil this down and confirm the original assertion "Youth $occer is an eliti$t $port"

Let's discount the very top programs USSF Development Academy, CESA premier, etc. Lets put these aside and focus on the remaining 99.92% of playing youth. I think everyone will accept that travel at this highest level is the biggest cost and it is a choice (as long as parents/players are aware going into the program and I am assuming they are). So let's not focus there, lets step back, breath, and look at a much bigger picture.

According to HapppyDaddy's mid range costs for Rec/Classic/Challenge we can use $930 per year. Is that reasonable or does it create a culture of elitism as asserted initially?

Point 1: To find $930 annually in your pocket, in SC you would need to earn approx $1,600 in gross salary.
Point 2: According to US Bereau of Labor Statistics, average salary in SC is $37,040 (average teacher salary in SC $42,207 -
Point 3: The amount of discretionary income (net pay - food - bills - essentials) for households earning $50,000 is $2,075
Point 4: Over 75% of discretionary dollars in US is held by those earning over $100,000
Point 5: Elite (elitist) describes a group of people who are members of the uppermost class of society and wealth often contributes to that class determination.
Deduction Youth Soccer = Elite Sport

Regardless of coaching license distraction, sandman you are on to something
What do we (clubs, parents, administrators, coaches, everyone) do about it?

Reminds me of golf growing up. English golf clubs would charge so much that only the richest could afford it and made sure of that with absurd rules about membership, types of golf shoes and polo shirts.
We had to hack our way round a field full of cows just to enjoy the sport we wanted to play but couldn't afford and were intentionally kept out. Shouldn't be like this.

satus quod perago validus - start and finish strong