LeGrazie, the only thing soccer takes is a ball, a burning desire to develop a great touch and a willingness to learn from those who understand the game. A 10 year old could train with a dad who knew the game and a kick back until he was 13 and go knock the socks off of any player he came in contact with during U15 tryouts.

The problem is parents don't fully understand the game and they don't put in the time required if a kid is not playing club ball. Schools are never, and I repeat, never going to develop elite players. They play a role at the high school level, but shifting the task to what we would consider a Free source such as a school is not the answer. The answer is more purposeful touches on the ball at a younger age, plain and simple. That must come from a parent or a club and ideally from both.

If you don't want to travel, then dedicate yourself to learning the game and working with your son or daughter individually. Youtube offers players incredible teaching moments. It's all about how much you want it. People deserve to be paid for their knowledge and time. If it's not affordable, then focus on another way to get results.

Clubs are successful because that's where the recruiting is done. Understanding that one simple component will help you align your objectives with your ability to develop your son or daughter in the US Soccer environment.

As US Soccer becomes more successful in world wide competition you'll see sponsorship money come in from the major companies, but until then the investment must be made to attract the sponsors. That investment is demonstrating what is required to produce better players and a better style of Soccer. A desire be the best in the game by working with the ball, that's all. It's a simple game. Don't over complicate it.

Visit any elementary school these days during recess and I'll bet you there will be a group of kids playing Soccer. That's because of club influence. It's going on because there are kids on the playground who have soccer idols.

High schools are without a doubt feeders for Football. Basketball and Baseball are more closely related to Soccer at the club level, although we all know high schools play a more significant role for basketball recruiting than they do for baseball. Soccer scholarships on the other hand are born of the club system.

Understand the game is simple, the club system is vital and the school system offers great emotional and developmental benefits to compliment the club system and you are set.

When you are involved in the club system, you are going to pay $$$ to travel because the US is so large and top level competition is all over the country as are universities with soccer programs. Someone has to pay and it's you and me because it's our kids who are playing the game. At the top level, virtually every player is playing for an opportunity to play another four years.

At the lower levels, kids are playing to compete and have fun doing so. Some who work on their own will break out, many will not. That's ok because they all have there reasons for playing the game. Coaches who are trained to know how to coach are needed and are worth the fees they charge, period.

Imagine. Believe. Achieve.