momofboy, like gbdawgs, i could care less what any directors/coaches make, but if i were a cesa parent i certainly would. have you taken the time to look at the link happy provided?

the first word that came to my mind after seeing some of those numbers was obscene. and, i don't mean that i had obscene thoughts; i thought, "that's obscene."

now, i may be reading some of that stuff wrong, but it looked to me like one of those guys got a 15% increase in pay from '07 to '08, and they both got a 23% increase from '08 to '09. the country is deep into a recession, people are getting laid-off left and right, almost everybody is looking for ways to cut back on expenses, but the board of directors at cesa has an extra $50k sitting around, and feel the right thing to do is pass it along to the big guys? seriously?

i would love to know their logic behind that one. heck, maybe that was in anticipation of them bringing home one of those Academy spots? i am honestly shocked that no one – especially from cesa - has said a word about this yet.

of course, they say the kool-aid tastes great in the upstate – maybe i'm the only one who sees anything inappropriate here…