Shibumi: You caught me.I lied, I've had a child, at one time 2 who played for St Giles, CESA for the last 9 years. Our family over those years has between $25,000-$30,000 wrapped up in the CESA club. Our child played at the top level every year. For the past few years we were told every year at the beginning of the season what the costs were going to be, and every year, during and at the end of the year the club kept coming back for more money. I felt a club of this size would know before the season started what costs would be, but this was never the case. (CESA is one of the few who don't post this info on their website)I honestly think they knew what costs would be, but was afraid to let their customers know in advance, because they did not want any fallout. Actually the fallout did happen this year when the u18 girls pool dropped from around 45 players to 19. Our daughter was one of the fallout. You would think being in the club for that many years the DOC would have better communication with their customers. I have never met one of the owners, i had met the other owner once once over comments i made about one of his coaches losing the confidence of the players on our team, he told me if i didn't like it to go to Spartanburg and play for that Carolina futbol club. I also had a phone call with them, our daughter had a season ending injury at the beginning of a fall season, the doc could not figure out why i wouldn't pay the remainder of the fall season fees. Why would i pay fees for something were not getting.
There's nothing wrong with posting what the clubs charge, or what some of the parents experiences have been regarding the clubs. I always felt dealing with CESA they had something to hide. Hopefully this information will give parents with younger children a perspective on what each club is about.
Regarding you, i took the liberty of reading the history of your posts, either your drinking the CESA koolaid, you work for CESA, or you are CESA, but this is an open forum website and we can enjoy the freedom to post. Truthfully I wouldn't post this if my child still played for CESA, I would have to worry about the ramifications that they might throw my daughter out of the club. Shibumi if you had a good experience with CESA, fine. We did not.
Thats the story about gbdawgs.