>>[gbdawgs] Regarding you, i took the liberty of reading the history of your posts, either your drinking the CESA koolaid, you work for CESA, or you are CESA, but this is an open forum website and we can enjoy the freedom to post.<<

I don't get a chance to get on the message board as much as I used to when my daughter played club and high school, and I probably wouldn't have noticed but I have a home in Lexington from where your posts are theoretically from and that sparked my interest.

My name is Mark Campbell. Most of the my posts on this message board were made with that username; I switched at a certain point - but have not and am not trying to hide my identity. I've been open about my involvement with CESA. In the past my daughter played at CESA - has not played club for more than two years now - I don't have any children that aren't in college now - and have no relatives playing at CESA either. I think it's been about two years since I spoke to anyone at CESA.

I don't dispute the fact that this is an open forum and everyone has the right to post - as you and I are doing so now. I don't even dispute the right to attempt to mislead people on this message board regarding your identity or your underlying motivations. What I'd recommend - and I mean this respectfully - is that if you're going to attempt to mislead people regarding your intentions and motives that you do so more carefully.

What's my opinion on the pretty obvious complaint that seemingly led to this thread's creation? I think CESA is priced higher than most clubs. Then again, I think that buying a Porsche is different than buying a Chevy - or a Yugo. I like the fact that there are options for kids - both high-priced options and low-priced options. (Note: I've said this so many times on this message board that even I'm bored saying it!) I don't think CESA is for everyone - just as I don't think that other clubs are for everyone.

Is CESA worth the money? Absolutely debatable question. I would think that this depends on your child's goals and on your financial situation. As I noted earlier, I think anyone hoping for a financial return on investment in playing club soccer is foolish. But in terms of the car analogy above - today, I personally don't want or need a Porsche - I'm okay with my truck. So paying for a Porsche would be a waste of money. But I have a friend who spent about $150K for a Porsche - and he gets a lot of enjoyment from it. While I don't mind stating I don't need a Porsche - I don't find myself omniscient to the point of being able to argue that all Porsche buyers are idiots. But that's just me.

Look - I really do think that as a disgruntled former customer/patron/member of CESA you have a right to complain. I just think that you have more - not less - credibility when you do so from an open and honest position.