
Talk to the clubs and find out what financial assistance is available. They may be pleasantly surprised.

You know I agree with most everything on Happy Daddy's post up to this point. What he is saying is reality - the higher level players get the scholarships because they have A).put themselves in a position to be seen by college coaches and b).faced the best competition in the country. Then he has to bring up this financial assistance thing - which in my opinion may help some but can't come close to helping others. What financial assistance is there for that kid with one parent working two jobs, getting government assistance and struggling to pay electric bills and put gas in a beat up car with high mileage? So even if they did get financial assistance from a club do you honestly think they can pay other expenses associated with high level travel ball?(I know what is involved - I've had kids play Premier ball). Those players potentially have more God given talent than anybody on any Academy or Premier team. But for alot of these kids there are too many obstacles in the way to make it happen. While I agree financial assistance may serve a cetain segment you are fooling yourself if you think it is the answer to help those with limited financial means otherwise. Maybe I'm misguided - maybe it's not meant to serve the really poor? If that's the case it's kind of sad too. I realize clubs mean well and I realize there are some needy players being served - but I guess I get tired of seeing that card thrown around by club officials like its the answer for all players without financial means. I know all too well it's a tough world out there and many of these people in the situation I described will face this all their lives. I know they could work hard, pull themselves out of where they are, get a college education, blah blah blah. Yeah - easy for those of us that weren't born into that situation to say. I also realize these clubs are a business and don't owe anybody anything. Sorry to rant - I just get a little fired up when club officials use that financial assistance card like it's the be all end all.