
My upstate cesa friends said that they had easily 40-50 coaches at there games (95 boys premier games).Having a win , loss and two ties is a pretty good showing. Also, the stud Moseley kid from Concorde played at the National League event in lieu of playing in the Academy games that same weekend. I checked myself and yes the Concorde kid did play in the National League event and has scored a few goals in the Academy league this season as well.The state seems to have two good options to choose from.

Thats illegal if what you say the Concorde kid did is true. You cannot be a registered Academy player and play anywhere else other than Academy, with the exception of high school.

My son plays Academy and he also played this Fall for PUFC, but his Academy registration was held until he had fulfilled his committment to his club team. Once you register Academy.....thats' it.

So something doesn't float with your statement.