
Note to parents:
No need to obsess about how many schools/coaches are at any given event. If your kid can play, coaches will know. If your kid can't play, coaches will know that, too. And oh, by the way, if you're the type of parent who obsesses over how many schools/coaches see your kid play, coaches will know THAT, too.
Point is, coaches generally don't discover kids at showcases. And if they did, they wouldn't award a grant without significant follow-up and due diligence.
Attendance numbers such as those posted above are for the benefit of clubs/organizers trying to lure PAYING CUSTOMERS. (That would be you, oh obsessed parents.)

You make the statement that there is no need to obsess but it seems to be what EVERY program is hanging their hat on. The number of college coaches they can get to these events. I think most young soccer players would like to play at the next level. The traveling and expenses continue to get farther and more expensive trying to obtain that elusive soccer scholarship.