Loc, firstly, I'm not sure what it is you believe my mind is made up about. When I mentioned the 15 schools and 3 or more coaches, I was mostly trying to impress everyone with my mad mathematical skills. Not that I've ever really sat down and counted, and not that I've been to all that many of these types of events, but I did think that 15 schools, all bringing 3 or more coaches (that number coming from dropkick's duly-noted stats) was truly amazing. I mean, I've seen schools bring that many coaches to entire events before, but not that many all at one match. I stand by my statement – "That is amazing."

You are correct; I was not in Raleigh, which is why I was completely dependent on other posters' information. My original comment regarding coach attendance was like I stated above. I guess that made dropkick feel guilty, because he/she admitted shortly thereafter that his/her data might not have been quite as accurate as initially reported. And that is when I finally wondered out loud about the apparent discrepancy between dropkick's and gsdad's reporting.

Over the years, you have misquoted me numerous times, even going so far as to call me a liar on one occasion. Each time, I have asked you to show me where I have stated the things you've accused me of saying, and each time you have been unable to do so. You get upset when I ask you to read my posts slowly, but this is exactly why I ask.

All the while, I have shared my feelings that you are all about negativity, hate and discontent; only wanting to tear down anything that is not cesa. Not one time have you denied this. Not once.

So, to continue in the same vein, and for the record, I absolutely did NOT state "that the CESA teams did so poorly…" In fact, I made no statements at all regarding the cesa teams. I simply listed the stats from that weekend.

I did comment on the college showcase and the national league; and I will give you this much – while I will not give it the status of a "cheap shot," I'll admit that the last comment in my original post was a "jab." But I did ask the question, and no one seems to feel the need to answer it. Could it be that nobody has the answer? I asked a couple other questions, both of which still seem pretty reasonable.

Yes, you are, as you say, "guilty of running off at the mouth and running Cola. down." But the only reason it's "pointless" now, is that before, when you were spitting venom at everybody and everything outside of Greenville, you thought cesa would be a part of the Academy. Because that's what they were telling you. And you believed it. But it didn't happen. And you probably feel bad for all the very nasty, awful, hateful, spiteful things you said before; as well you should. But please don't get on here now and act like you just wish everyone could get along; it's distasteful.