
Ok, just for the heck of it, because I'm in a generous mood (even after goalstop called me creepy) I'll ask... harry, you say you've "seen several programs initiated..." What happened to them? Were they initiated, then terminated, or did they continue to flourish and turn into yearly (or weekly, monthly, bi-annually, etc) events?

This is your opportunity to showcase these efforts without me claiming you're just grandstanding (not that I would ever do that). I have opened the door...now, shine!

I don't know all the details of these programs/partnerships and I'm sure there are programs that I don't know of, but here goes.

There was a group of Hispanic kids that one of the directors coached recently in two age groups. I believe they were called the outreach program. I don't know what their fee structure was, or where they are now, but the effort was there. There has been a long-standing relationship with Salvation Army and there are teams in the recreation and academy in house leagues. I believe most of the staff has gone in years past to community centers on MLK Day (and several other times of the year) and hosted free clinics. I think someone else mentioned CESA ALFA. I don't know the details of those teams, other than they are largely, if not wholly, Hispanic and that they exist.

As I said, I'm sure there are programs that I am missing and I don't know the details of the above named programs; but to suggest that there is no effort made to make it easier or possible for communities outside of the mainstream to participate in CESA is simpley misinformed.

Knowing the two in charge of CESA, I'll bet if you had a good idea as to how to get more kids involved they would certainly welcome your phone call. If you were uncomfortable with calling, you could PM me and I could call one of them for you.