
Harry, sorry nice try.but your wrong. CESA has an extremely low minority customer base in their challenge and premier programs. And I've witnessed it for the last 8 years. Bottom line is if you can't afford their fees, they don't want you. And their not out looking for the youth athlete in these low income areas. All that you need to do is drive out to MESA on any Saturday and you can probably count on one hand how many minorities are competing. Also you say when you were involved in CESA and you don't even know the names of the programs. Cmon!

I don't understand where I'm wrong. I said that the programs existed and that there is an effort to get more kids from diverse backgrounds involved in CESA. You're saying that's not true? I guess you're saying that CESA ALFA doesn't exist? I guess you're saying nobody went to the Phylis Wheatly Center? You're saying there's no scholarship money?

Are you also saying that when you were involved in CESA, when your daughter or her older brother played, you knew the details of every program in the club? You must have attended some meetings that I didn't.