Thanks, helps to make my point in part. Were either of those kids minorities? Were they under privilidged players (what I think we should be using instead of the term minorities) who were on club scholarships? Or were they good players who were willing to pay to play on a potential Championship team?
I would be willing to guess that there was likely a underprivilidged player living within 25-50 miles of DSC's home field who could have played (developed) nearly as well as these two, (please do not take this as any knock on those players as I am in hypotehtical land here) but why would the club take an non-paying equal player that was local when they could get a paying player thus allowing them to fund a better program and win a championship.

I think in the big picture of things coaches/clubs will put the best team possible on the pitch, but when given a choice between a paying player who is a 8 or 9 and a non paying player who is a 9 or 10 they will take the money because there is not enough difference between them to warrant giving up the money. Besides at that level of athlete most coaches are going to feel they can make the difference up with coaching.