Don't like the officiating? Take the course and become one yourself, but don't just take the high school test because the SC High School League teaches you NOTHING. You should take the USSF course first and start off with the U12 youth games. Trust me, it's not as easy as you think.

Also, how many of these poorly officiated games had a 2-man system? This system stinks and should be eliminated from varsity soccer, expecially the higher level games. The referees miss too many calls when there is only 2 of them on the pitch. And please don't spew the same old rhetoric about money. Referees are paid peanuts and the schools can afford one extra referee. If nothing else, they should get a 3rd man for Region games.

Are there less than adequate referees? Of course, just like there are less than adequate players and coaches, but that's part of the game. You have to be able to play/coach to that referees technique.