
Your response is understandable, but not a real "answer." Before you ADD to a pool of under-qualified, under-trained, unaccountable officials, you SHOULD identify, implement and uphold BASIC standards:

1) Fitness: Too many old/unfit officials, who work a game from the center circle, or can't keep up with play on the lines, REGARDLESS of the system.
2) Knowledge of rules: Amazingly inconsistent knowledge of offside and handball calls (to name just two).
3) Judgement: Inability to interpret those rules they know.
4) People skills: Amazingly little in the way of "man management" skills.

I watched 6 high school games, beginning to end this weekend. I would describe (perhaps) 2 as "adequately" officiated, 3 as "poorly" officiated, and 1 as horrendously officiated. When you have well-traveled kids and parents who know the rules better than the officials, you have a major problem. As a "Coach," you need to understand, just because we are "parents," does NOT mean we don't know the rules.

I saw a match effectively tipped by a phantom foul throw call; and another nearly decided by a missed offside call (while the AR in question had his back to play (talking to friends) on a restart. I don't care how much or little you're paid. Take pride in doing a great job, or even TRYING to do a great job.

If THAT basic minimum is achieved, it makes little difference whether 2 or 3 work a match.