I coach and referee high school and club. We all agree no one is perfect. We all agree that everyone who referees should know the laws of the game (for some reason, NFHS calls them rules.) If your school hires two officials, it is your school's fault if a referee is making a call 40-50 yards away from the action--whether or not it is a good or bad call, it puts the official in a horrible situation. Let's also be clear: it's the spectator who often don't know the advantage rule--thus they scream at an official when a "foul" occurred, but the referee allowed the play to continue. Many coaches and fans don't understand the "over and back" rule with respect to offside. When a referee has clearly missed which team kicked the ball out of bounds, I have yet to see a coach tell his own team to intentionally make a bad throw in order to allow the other team to take the throw-in from where they should have rightfully had the ball. I have yet to see a coach tell his team to intentionally miss a penalty kick when the referee clearly made a bad call in the penalty area.

Over the years I have witnessed--particularly young referees--get abused by angry parents and coaches (club and high school). Back off!! People are going to make mistakes. I'm sure there is some rogue referee somewhere that intentionally made calls against a particular team. There are a lot more coaches who intentionally try to "work the referee" in order to get calls in their favor.