As to competency, how does a referee become competent? Obviously they need to know the laws. They however, have to get on the field and get seasoning. Thus they will make mistakes--hopefully over time they will improve. My point is that it does no good to scream and yell at a referee--particularly a new referee. How many times have you seen loud mouthed coaches and fans scream at a young referee in a youth game? Do you think that young person wants to put up with that? Thus you have many who quit. I know new high school referees this year, I wonder if the coach who has been around 15-20 years will understand that this young person has to learn, thus have patience with him/her. No one believes player safety should be compromised, but in many cases the same coach who teaches a "physical" game, will jump all over the referee who is making "tight" calls against his team. They will be the ones who will yell, "let 'em play"--except when his team is fouled.