

whats your deal?
get over yourself

It is kind of his site? KYS!

na dip sherlock,
im just saying think he could be a little more responsible with his post, really? making fun of a persons grammer who uses his very own website? (do not think its the best way to run a website)
just thought maybe he would have something better to do with his time?
guess not

Am I missing something here? Is someone making a lot of money off the website? I'm sure Kyle cares that you've got your feelings hurt. You've pretty much already stated in another post that you think that the rankings are skewed because of who runs the website. As far as him spending his time with something better to do...He has to read through these posts and if he decides to retort back to something, then what's the difference between what he does and what you do?

Of course you could just use spell check or not let what someone says offend you...on a message board!