

Maybe we should look at going the other way, make it easier for school players to become involved with clubs "affiliated" with the school. The rules now really prevent a coach/school/club from working together to put teams on the field, but maybe we could change thing to get more players involved with playing if there was more "local" involvement. You would know the clubs then would work to prevent conflict. Does it open some other cans of worms, yes but are they going to be any worse than we seem to have now? Who knows maybe District/County teams from multiple schools would be the higher levels with region then upper/lower state and finally state would be the pyramid we could build on. (Na never gonna happen to may people would have to take smaller bite of the pie!)

Why can't a coach from a high school have more than 2-3 players from his/her school on a summer league team. It seems if players from a high school want to play as a team
in a league, even a club league, and use their high school coach it should be allowed. I know this happened to mauldin softball a few years ago and they had to forfeit a season because she had to many of her players on the team. I don't see the harm

"Coaching outside teams during a closed season is permissible provided the 75% rule is not violated."

For soccer 75% is 8 players. A high school coach can coach up to 8 of her/his high school players on an outside team.