You guys need to tone down the anti NW and anti Irmo rhetoric. I was asking a specific question about why there was a disparagy between the guys and girls team at NW...that is all.

I do find it funny that year after year all you hear people say about Irmo is a bunch of pot smoking losers. Get realistic. Historically, and recently, they have put up some impressive numbers. Give them credit where credit is due.

Then you have NW, they have come on strong the past decade, and it will be fun to see where it goes from here. I'm sure their coach will continue to do good things.

Lets all be grownups and reflect the good soccer traditions of both schools. It is sad when I read all the childish remarks about other schools. Why don't you just shut it and respect the good soccer that is coming out of both schools. don't turn this into a hate fest...or else you will just act like typical Americans that the rest of the world hates.....

If you are going to argue a point, at least get factual information to back up your side.....