hollywood...from what I heard, I believe you probably won't see much of a review of the game from Irmo people. They are probably trying to be polite and not give a review of the game for a few reasons. Sounds like the refereeing was a bit suspect. I was not there, but I heard that the referee gave a red in the first four minutes of the game for vulgar language to a kid that it is almost laughable that he received a card for that. Then I heard that the referee kept getting up in the faces of the captains of the Irmo squad and kept asking them if they wanted to stay in the game, telling them to quit arguing with him. The funny part to that is that he would do this when Irmo got a free kick, so it seemed interesting. Also heard that there was a handling call that was called that ended up being a PK against Irmo because a ball hit a kid in the upper arm area/shoulder while he was looking away from the ball. Also heard that the center referee reversed multiple AR calls on who's ball it was, and would whistle the ball out when the AR hadn't put their flag up. Finally, I heard that he got into the passing lanes for Irmo and got hit multiple times with passes. Now, let me tell you, I am a referee, and if I even get hit once in a game that tells me that I was in a bad position...but to get hit multiple times is telling me that it was intentional, or else the guy was a complete moron.

I would hope that the game was not refereed as bad as what I heard, but you never know. This is only what was relayed on to me, so take it with a grain of salt that is was second hand knowledge.

Did anybody else see the same thing that was at the game?

If you are going to argue a point, at least get factual information to back up your side.....