The higher level of play you watch, the more beautiful the game is. There's no need to change it in my opinion. The game is near perfect. I'm watching Arsenal and Tottenham right now and it's a great game. I think it would still be an amazing game if the score was 0-0. Did you see Argentina vs. U.S. recently? There were times of the game when Argentina was incredibly entertaining to watch. If you like to watch soccer, you wouldn't care that the score was 1-1, it was still a joy to watch.

I do find it very boring to watch low level soccer and see a 0-0 or 1-0 game. Whether it's a club game, high school, middle school or college; bad soccer is bad soccer and won't be anymore attractive just because there were more goals.

I guess my point is, a game that is 8-7 is still awful to watch if the goals aren't good goals and the play is low level. It will still be boring if it's just a bunch of players kicking a ball all over the place. Conversely, two teams playing an attractive style, high level match will still be exciting and fun to watch even if it's 1-0 or 0-0.