There are some things I will just never understand...

For one, why did you people ever think you could run your own country? Whiners and complainers the lot of you. You didn't want to pay taxes before, you complain about paying them now. Your debt is 16 Trillion and rising by the second. Well played. Two, are there no barbershops in the South? I have read many books in my life. One was on the history of the South. I realize that electricity has only been here the last half century or so but things we have enjoyed for 400 years like a shower every month and a haircut have gone by the wayside it seems for some of you. Three, why is there country music playing at halftime of a sporting event? Who gets pumped up to David Allen Coe except the Ku Klux Klan? Let's not attract them to our sport. England just got over a Just Say No To Racism campaign. Finally, why is there so much interest in your country in our Royal Wedding? If we cared about what you thought that much, you'd be invited. End of story. We have however, put an app out on Itunes for those of you who can't to be without something regal in your life.

Ah my half time musings. We are back to the action in a few seconds!!

Hot N Ready - 5 Minutes or less.