
Cardinal Newman should win this one without much problem. They are a much stronger team than Pinewood and stay cool under pressure, unlike the out of control Pinewood team. Seven straight is impressive but it all ends Saturday.

While I haven't seen many state championship matches won "without much problem," I will agree with you on this much: Cardinal Newman SHOULD win this one.

Cardinal Newman is a very talented team - more talented that the vast majority of High School League teams. They would likely win the SCHSL AAA championship even though the would actually have to play in Single A where they would crush everyone. They SHOULD win Saturday. But here's the thing: they should have won last year and they should have won in '09. They lost in '09 when they became failed to "stay cool under pressure."

So, I guess my question is this: what does "should" have to do with anything? These teams will go at it hard just as they did earlier in the year when Cardinal Newman tallied a 1-0 victory. I expect (and hope) that Saturday's match will be decided by a goal (or two) because PKs are a lousy way to decide a championship.

Last edited by oldskoolpinewood; 05/13/11 03:26 AM.